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2024 Peach Season

 Talbott's "Mountain Gold" Colorado Peach Season is here !!

Colorado Peaches are IN STOCK!!!


We have 16 and 20 pound cases, the case price is  ($41.95 for 16 lb case, $49.95 for 20 lb case) For smaller quanities, we also have tote bags available.  You may also Hand Select just the right individual peach from our display. Once you bring them home...  Place them seperately on your kitchen counter, and when they are soft to the touch they should be ready to eat. Do not place them in the refrigerator, until they are really ripe... The refrigerator will dry them out and will not be as juicy. When you take them out from being cold, let them sit on the counter to warm up.


The "Mountain Gold" Colorado Peaches are looking to start coming in towards the end of July.  We do not have a set delivery date yet.

May /June 2023

The 2024 Colorado Peaches season is starting out really good. The orchards didn't suffered a late freeze like it did in 2020. Currently the Talbotts are expecting a full crop of sweet and juice peaches this year. 

The start of the Colorado Peach season looks to begin during the last weeks in July and could last till the begining - mid September this year.  (Typically the season for the Colorado "Mountain Gold" peaches is Late July to Mid September)

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Why Colorado Peaches?

Colorado Peaches are grown in the perfect climate. The hot days are contrasted with cool nights which brings out the maximum sweetness in a peach. We have found through the years that the Colorado peaches simply taste the best.

Talbott Farms Mountain Gold Peaches

Here is a link below to view a video about Talbott Farms orchard from 2018 Harvest.
(you will see that they also have grapes in the video, These are grown to make wine that they sell at the farm and not available here in Minnesota)

Why "Mountain Gold"?

We have found that Talbott’s “Mountain Gold” Colorado peaches have consistently had the best quality of all of the Colorado peaches. The difference is in how the peaches are handled during the picking , grading, packing and shipping process. Talbott’s has very stringent quality and grading standards which produces the best quality boxes of peaches on a consistent basis. (Pictured on the top right is Charlie Talbott and many of his great employees)

About Colorado Peaches

Mountain Gold Colorado Peaches

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Peaches and Pesticides

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Why BoB’s

Just as the peaches need the proper handling during the growing and pack-ing process, they also need to be handled properly at the store to ensure that they will “Finish” properly to be sweet and juicy, (not dry and mushy) We take extra care to monitor every box closely from the time we receive it until you take it home!

Sign up for Peach updates

Watch for email updates on Colorado peaches June thru September.