Full Service Meat Department
A Cut Above the Rest
You’ll love the quality, freshness and variety that we offer in our full-service Meat Department! We cut premium USDA Choice Beef daily, along with top quality pork, chicken and delicious, seafood. BoB's Made Fresh Bratwurst (not frozen), Polish Sausage, Beef and Turkey Jerky, and Beef Sticks around. We have the best smoked salmon in town. We have a great selection of meats that our smoked in store.
Our steaks , chops , ground beef and chicken are not pre-packaged. You select what you like and our butchers will wrap it up in paper just like the old time butchers did.
Check out our weekly Meat Dept specials throughout the year.
Our 26th Annual Meat Sale is coming soon!
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,
Feb. 6th, 7th and 8th, 2025.
Daily Meat Specials
See below to how to cook Lutefisk....
Contact Our Meat Dept
Call our Meat Department to speak with a specialist: Greg or Dave: (763) 528-2378 or email us at greg@bobsproduce.com
Greg has been BoB's Meat Manager for over 23 years and been a meat cutter for over 42 years. Nobody knows cuts of meat better than Greg.
Dave has 17 years working in BoB's Meat Dept.

Helpful Tips to Take Home
Use the links below to find additional information on how to cook crab legs and our Meat Manager, Greg's special reciepe for cooking Prime Rib and a guide to grilling tips, times and more!